Apple Cake with Meringue – Apfelkuchen mit Baiserhaube

This recipe makes a delicious pastry especially during in the apple season. Easily made and an eye-catcher, this cake is sure to please everyone. Ingredients: 80 g (⅓ cup) butter180 g (¾ cup) confectioners’ sugar1 egg395 g (1 ⅔ cups) flour1.27 kg (2.8 lbs) apples120 g (½ cup) sultanajuice from…

Apple-Grid Cake – Apfel Gitterkuchen

The simple recipe for a juicy apple lattice cake with shortcrust pastry and cinnamon is sure to be a favourite for any dessert table. Ingredients: 315 g (2 ½ cups) flour1 teaspoon baking powder175 ml (¾ cup) butter, small pieces2 tablespoons butter175 ml (¾ cup) sugar2 tablespoons sugar1 egg1 egg…

Bacon wrapped Meatballs – Speckpflanzerl

Prep Time: 20 mins Cook Time: 30 mins Ingredients: 1 ½ pretzel buns 1 shallot 100 – 150 ml milk (add slowly, you might only use 100 ml) 2 teaspoons coriander seeds 500 g ground meat (mix) butter 2 eggs salt and pepper oil 16 pieces of thinly sliced bacon…

Baden Style Shards – Badische Scherben

Baden shards enjoy a delicious and long tradition in their home town of Tübingen in Germany and can be found in some of the oldest German recipe books. It’s a classic Fastnacht/Fasching recipe! Ingredients: 2 yolks1 egg1 tablespoon sugar (heaped)1 teaspoon vanilla extract½ teaspoon cinnamon2 tablespoons crème fraîche 2 cups…

Bavarian Meatloaf – Bayerischer Leberkäse

Bavarian Leberkäse, as the name suggests, is the Bavarian form of Leberkäse, a speciality Fleischkäse (meatloaf) from southern Germany, Austria, and parts of Switzerland. Despite its name, Bavarian Leberkäse (literally liver-cheese) contains no liver nor cheese, in contrast to other Leberkäse which need to contain at least 4% liver and…

Bavarian Pretzels – Bayerische Brezeln

Numerous accounts exist regarding the origin of the Pretzel, as well as that of the name itself, though no sources have any reliability to their claims. A common theme, however, is that it was invented by Roman Catholic monastics and typically with some religious function and symbolism. According to one…

Bee Sting Cake – Bienenstich

Bienenstich is a traditional sheet cake made from yeast dough, it is made from two layers of dough with a cream in the middle and topped off with caramelized almonds. One of the theories of the name origin has to do with a German baker trying out a new cake…

Berliner Doughnut – Berliner Pfannkuchen/Berliner

The first recipe known for a Jam Doughnut comes from the late 15th-century German language cookbook Kuchenmeisterei, one of the first cookbooks printed using the Gutenberg press, which called it Gefüllte Krapfen. It is unknown whether the Jam Doughnut was invented by the author, or if it was already common…

Biscuit Lamb – Osterlamm aus Biskuitteig

The Easter table should never be missing one thing: a delicious Easter lamb cake. This classic recipe is made with a few but good ingredients and makes for a great centre piece for your Easter table. Ingredients: 1 egg1 yolk1 tablespoon warm waterzest from ½ lemon1 teaspoon vanilla extract60 ml…