Step into our culture!
Every country has its traditional dances and music – so does Austria, Germany and Switzerland! Through immigration, some of those traditions live on in this province.

Sing traditional German and English songs in a choir, play German-style music in a brass band, or listen to modern German tunes on community radio – it is your choice!
Music in Regina
Volksliederchor “Harmonie”
Choir singing of German & English traditional songs.
Music in Saskatoon
Concordia Brass Band
Traditional German-style brass band.
CFCR 90.5 FM Saskatoon Community Radio
“Klangfabrik” – contemporary German music on a Sunday afternoon.

Children and adults, dance Austrian and German folk dancing in traditional costumes or try out the Schuhplattler where men in Lederhosen are hitting the soles of their shoes, thighs, and knees.
Dance in Regina
Das Volle Lederpaket Schuhplattler Verein
Traditional Schuhplattlern for men.
Kleine Pakete
Children’s German Folk Dance Group.
Karnevalsgesellschaft Harmonie
Bavarian and Karneval-style dance groups for children and adults.
Regina Austrian Edelweiss Dance Association
Austrian Folk Dancing for children and adults.
Dance in Saskatoon
Concordia Alpenrose Schuhplattler Verein
German folk dancing for adults.
Concordia Junior Alpenrose Dancer
German folk dancing for kids.
For inquiries about public performances, please contact the groups directly!
Keep an eye on our events page for events.