Spitzkuchen – Gingerbread Pastry

Honey, brown sugar and other Christmas spices make this pastry a perfect Christmas dessert! Ingredients: 120 ml (½ cup) honey80 ml (⅓ cup) brown sugar2 tablespoons oil1 eggrumpinch of cardamom or allspice1 teaspoon cinnamon475 ml (2 cups) flour3 teaspoons baking powder160 ml (⅔ cup) chopped hazelnuts or almondsdark chocolate, as…

Streusel Cake – Streuselkuchen

Streuselkuchen is a classic German yeast cake, also called crumb cake in English-speaking countries. Ingredients: 1 teaspoon sugar80 ml (⅓ cup) warm water1 tablespoon active dry yeast180 ml (¾ cup) milk1 tablespoon milk160 ml (⅔ cup) oil120 ml (½ cup) sugar or honey1 egg1 teaspoon saltzest from ½ lemon1 teaspoon…

Swabian Pocket Dumplings – Maultaschen

Originating is Swabia, Maultaschen are the traditional dish associated with the Lent commemoration of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. During Lent, Catholics and some other Christians are encouraged to refrain from eating meat. One story of the origins of the dish claims that Cistercian monks of Maulbronn Abbey created the…

Swabian Springerle – Swäbische Springerle

Springerle are a special form of Christmas cookies. You will need a wooden model form which has a carved pattern. It a very old Swabian tradition and wooden models are handed down from parents to children. Ingredients: 5 cups confectioners’ sugar4 eggszest from 1 lemon4 cups flour2 tablespoons flour Instructions:…

Tarte flambée – Flammkuchen

“Tarte flambée” is a specialty from Alsace and Lorraine in France, and Saarland and neighbouring states of Palatinate and Baden in Germany. The name comes from the fact that the flames in the oven were not yet completely put out when the tarte was pushed in. Ingredients: 1.4 kg (11…

Vanilla Crescent Cookies – Vanillekipferl

Vanillekipferl are a very traditional Christmas cookie in the shape of a croissant. They are made from a shortcrust pastry made from flour, butter, sugar and grated almonds, often also roasted almonds – but also walnuts, peanuts or hazelnuts depending on the region or country you are in. Ingredients: 2…

Venison – Wildsteaks

Game meat is deep in colour and rich in flavour, which makes it a popular meal in Germany and Switzerland. Try out this recipe with potatoes and apple quarters browned in butter and cooked in white wine. Ingredients: 3 carrots2 stalks of celery1 medium onion1 teaspoon mustard seed, slightly crushed2…

White Bread with Caraway Seeds – Weißbrot mit Kümmel

This crusty, slightly moist bread is a welcome addition to your “Vesper” table. Enjoy it with butter or as a sandwich! Ingredients: 60 ml (¼ cup) lukewarm (43°C to 46°C (110°F to 115°F)) water3 packages active dry yeast2 teaspoons sugar120 ml (½ cup) lukewarm (43°C to 46°C (110°F to 115°F))…