Mulled Wine – Glühwein

Mulled wine is one of the traditional drinks during winter and especially Christmas time. If you visit a German Christmas Market you will notice the high count of mulled wine booths. Usually made from red wine, today you will also find white mulled wine, or mulled wine with a dash…

Noodle Kugel – Nudelkugel

Kugel is a traditional dish of Ashkenazi Jewish cuisine, it is similar to a casserole and can be either sweet or savoury, either as a side dish or a dessert, and eaten warm or cold. Ingredients: 1 stick (110 g) unsalted butter cut into pieces, plus extra for buttering the…

Onion Tart – Zwiebelkuchen

The onion cake is a hearty cake that takes its name from main topping, the onions. The cake is popular in southern Germany, eastern Germany and Switzerland as well as in Alsace, France. Depending on what region in Germany you are in, the ingredients and how it is prepared will…

Pearl Onions – Perlzwiebeln

Pearl onions are cultivated mostly in Germany, the Netherlands, and Italy and more often than not in in home gardens. Due to their small size, they make pickling them very easy. In Germany, pickled pearl onions are eaten as an accompaniment to dinner. Ingredients: 1.2 kg (2.5 lbs) pearl onionssalt500…

Pork Knuckle – Schweinshaxe

Schweinshaxe originated as a peasant food. Many such recipes were created to make inexpensive and tough cuts of meat more palatable. Ingredients: 4 ham hockssalt, to tastecoarse black pepper300 ml (1 ¼ cups) beef stock1 bottle of beer3 to 4 teaspoons dark sauce thickener or cornstarch Instructions: Rinse off pork…

Potato Noodles – Schupfnudeln

Schupfnudeln, also known as Fingernudeln, are thought to have originated during Thirty Years’ War. With their daily flour ration and water, soldiers made a dough which they formed with their hands into noodles, and then cooked. Due to the length of the war, the noodles became part of German culture…

Potato Pancakes – Reibekuchen

Ingredients 8 Potatoes (uncooked) 1 onion 8 tbs flour (use corn starch if you can’t use gluten) 2 eggs salt and pepper oil for frying Preparation Grate the potatoes with a large grater and remove the excess liquid.  Season generously with salt and some pepper. Add eggs and finely chopped…

Potato Salad – Kartoffelsalat

This authentic recipes comes from the Swabian region of Germany. It’s believed Potato salad originally came from Germany and then spread through Europe. So it’s no wonder that there are many different ways to make this delicious dish! Ingredients: 2.2 lbs potatoes – Yukon Gold1 small onion (finely chopped)¼ cup…

Potato Soup with European Wieners – Kartoffelsuppe mit Würstchen

A favourite of German families and not too many ingredients are needed to make this recipe! Ingredients: 2.2 lbs potatoes1 carrot½ onion3 ½ cups vegetable brothparsleypepper5 sausages – European Wienersoilcream Preparation: Cut potatoes and carrots into cubes and cook both together. When potatoes and carrots are done pour all in…

Pretzel Bread stick – Laugenstange

There are many stories of where pretzels and pretzel bread sticks came from. One Swabian story, which supposedly goes back to 1477, tell of a master baker Frieder, who not only invented the pretzel bread stick out of necessity, but that a cat jumped on the baking sheet as he…