Springerle are a special form of Christmas cookies. You will need a wooden model form which has a carved pattern. It a very old Swabian tradition and wooden models are handed down from parents to children.
5 cups confectioners’ sugar
4 eggs
zest from 1 lemon
4 cups flour
2 tablespoons flour
Take a cookie sheet, line it with aluminum foil, grease it with butter, sift flour over it and sprinkle anise above.
Mix sugar and eggs very well until foamy. Slowly fold in sifted flour and lemon zest. Knead dough and roll out 1 cm thick. Dust wooden forms as well as dough with flour. Take dough according to size and press into form, cut clean edges and release from form. Take a brush and dust of any extra flour that might be left on the cookies.
Place all cookies on the cookie sheet, with imprints facing up. Let dry for 24 to 26 hours at room temperature.
Bake at 160°C (325°F) for 20-30 min with oven door slightly open.
The top should be white only the bottom might be a bit golden-brown. Place cookies in a jar right after baking so that the humidity will soften the cookies. Leave for 1-3 weeks until soft. Check frequently to make sure it is not too soft.