Lead Teacher/Coordinator for English-German Preschool

Are you passionate about working with young children? This might be the perfect opportunity for you to work with them. Hansel & Gretel English-German Preschool is looking for a lead teacher/coordinator. Send your resume to coordinator.hanselandgretel@gmail.com . For more information click here.

German-English Story Time for Kids

Are you ready for German-English story time with the family? Pick up some German or refresh your language skills. Watch our “Kinderzimmer“, German-English story time video with Frau Hecker.

Learn German & sign up for your German class!

German classes are available for preschooler, children, adults, high school students & university students for different levels. Online and in-person classes offered. Why learn German? Work and Travel: use German in one of the six German speaking countries in Europe: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein. Science: German is…

German Culture Online

Saskatchewan German Council is on YouTube! Celebrate German culture online with recipes of Käsespätzle (German Cheese Spätzle), Grießnockerlsuppe (Semolina Dumpling Soup), cultural crafts for kids, German-English story time, a walk through Berlin, and much more. Check out SGC’s YouTube channel.

Openings at Hansel and Gretel Preschool Inc.

Are you looking for a Preschool for your 3 or 4 year old for this fall? Hansel and Gretel English-German Preschool Program still has a few openings! Everyone is welcome! Visit their Facebook page or website for more information.