Mulled wine is one of the traditional drinks during winter and especially Christmas time. If you visit a German Christmas Market you will notice the high count of mulled wine booths. Usually made from red wine, today you will also find white mulled wine, or mulled wine with a dash of different flavored liqueur. (For example, raspberry mulled wine.)
1 bottle red wine (either dry or sweet, depending on your likes)
4-5 tablespoons sugar
1 lemon
1 cinnamon stick, broken
10-15 whole cloves, or to taste
Washed rind of 1 lemon, cut in a continuous spiral strip. Heat all ingredients in a heavy-bottomed pan. Simmer for about 5 min before serving. Do not boil! Strain and pour into glasses. Remove lemon rind from bowl. You might add a bit of nutmeg if you like.
Tip: Peal oranges and cut them up, heat with other ingredients, which gives the mulled wine a fruity taste.
Credit: Andrea MacLeod