Are Saint Nick and Santa Clause the same?

Read the article from Deutsche Welle “Why Saint Nick and Santa Claus are not the same”. How Christianity, pagan folklore and capitalism were combined to create the legend of Santa Claus — and why he’s not interchangeable with Saint Nicholas. Full article here

German New Year’s Tradition

Bleigießen – Lead Pouring, a German New Year’s Tradition. Read the article from The German Way & More here.

Travel destination Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is a captivating travel destination for several reasons. Firstly, it boasts breathtaking natural landscapes, including lush forests, picturesque valleys, and charming villages. Secondly, Luxembourg City, the capital, a UNESCO World Heritage site with its stunning historic architecture and vibrant cultural scene. Additionally, the country’s rich history, diverse cuisine, and warm…