Das Schulhaus celebrates 10 years!

Das Schulhaus – Regina German Language School celebrated their 10 year anniversary with a brunch fundraiser! Read all about it here.

Summer Job: Cultural Development Assistant

The SGC is looking for a student to fill this 8-week summer position starting June 13, 2022. The Cultural Development Assistant will help perform a range of office duties, assist with events, and produce cultural YouTube videos. This job will be a great opportunity to get some work experience in…

Cultural Development Assistant Position

The SGC is looking for the 2022 Cultural Development Assistant! The Cultural Development Assistant contributes to the development of cultural materials, programs and events. As part of the office team the Cultural Development Assistant also works together with the Executive Director and the Office & Program Assistant to ensure smooth…

Spring Postillion and Kinder & Jugendseiten

The new 2022 Spring Postillion is now available online! Kinder & Jugendseiten: In the 2022 Spring Postillion on page 26 of the print version and on page 28 of the online version, there is a list of around 20 words that have been almost forgotten in the German language. Were…

German Culture Online

Saskatchewan German Council is on YouTube! Celebrate German culture online with recipes of Käsespätzle (German Cheese Spätzle), Grießnockerlsuppe (Semolina Dumpling Soup), cultural crafts for kids, German-English story time, a walk through Berlin, and much more. Check out SGC’s YouTube channel.

Miniseries on Netflix: The Billion Dollar Code

Netflix has a new miniseries out, called The Billion Dollar Code. Its based on a true story that tells of how two German developers sued Google for patent infringement, arguing that Google Earth blatantly appropriated their own Terravision program from the 1990s. The show makes the case into an enthralling,…

International Mother Language Day

Every year International Mother Language Day is celebrated on February 21st “to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and to promote multilingualism”. Did you know that there are over 40 language schools in Saskatchewan, offering 30 different languages and that 4 of those schools offer German? SGC offers a…

Bottle Drive – Das Schulhaus

Das Schulhaus – Regina German Language School Inc. is having a bottle drive as a fundraiser. Consider donating your cans and bottles to the school! You can find more information on the process here.

Frankfurt Book Fair – Saskatchewan Books & More

Canada was the Guest of Honour at this year’s Frankfurt Book Fair in October. Find information on Saskatchewan books at the book fair, Canadian titles translated into German (Kanadische Autor*innen in Übersetzung) and a selection of Canadian titles for the German market. Happy reading!